There's no such thing as a dumb post,
only a dumb comment.
It wasn't a "drive by post" Cavedude, I erased all my comments when my school and my position got attacked. However, I rarely learn my lesson and I seem to have no ability to hold my tongue.
only a dumb comment.
For today, and only today, I am opening my blog up to anyone who wants to post innane, irrational and inflammatory comments. The only catch is you cannot remain anonymouse.
The winner gets the rights to all the comments I deleted.
I think booniemen should stay where they belong - in the boonies!
1st. Before 'inane, irrational and inflammatory'; You need to know that your blog takes forever to load. All the other blogs load up instantly with my dsl connection. Not so yours. I don't know if other readers are experiencing the same thing. I also don't know what might cause it. Anyone else? (It was slow before the display style change too so that's not it).
I,I&I later. (:-))
Don't know what it is Bruce, I tried changing the template and loading smaller pictures. On both my browsers and different computers, it loads in a matter of seconds.
Yeah, Bruce, it's actually crashed my program a couple times, and made me restart me computer... I thought it was just me!
Boni, I won't post any innane, irrational, or inflammatory comments on your blog... fledgling friendships are a delicate balance!
Oh come on Melissa. It'll give me a reason to smile today.
Hmmm....Lets see...Boni baked that pie pictured in her post " I drink my carbs" in the nude. And, she used "I can't believe it's not butter" because she refused to pay an additional $4.50 for the real deal.. Not only that,but the box that Sommer is sitting in in "Wide open spaces" she STOLE from the trash bin at the side of Dolphin Store. On top of all that, the can of peanuts you see in back of Boni in this post ("Feeling Cheecky") is actualy a trick can and has a coiled up snake in it just waiting to explode in the face of an innocent victim. They were placed on that table by none other than Boni herself....Shame!
Tee I win?
Oh, ps: your page loads really slow for me too. :(
I don't know, but I have no problems loading. He, he, he.
I think it has something to do with connection speed. Or maybe you all need to spend a little more time caressing your browsers.
If you're using the latest internet explorer try this: internet explorer > tools > internet options > click delete temporary files, history, cookies, etc...
switch from dsl to cable :P
stop surfing porn :P
u look pretty hot for a dude.....
i have no problems with my "loads" either.... ;-)
you know boni? u really started that whole mess.... you shouldnt try to start something then run and cry! you need to be able to take it if your going to dish it.
:-P so can i win now? i want to repost your comments!
and you really shouldnt be sending sand out to defend you either! finish the fights you start.
BTW? why did you want to bring this over? i thought it was great on middleroad.......
You wanna fight! Nanga! Boonimen are so spineless because they don't have to show themselves. Stay behind the tangan tangan and keep dreaming baby. I didn't bring anything over from Middle Road. Notice there are no mice here?
Hey! My load isn't slow, I told you already. But, I appreciate being above porn and all.
I vote yes too, to the slow loading, sometimes I hafta reboot.
Slow loads and booting sounds like we could take off from there....
Guess I missed the insults or whatever. I'll never snub you in a comment.
My blog needs to be romanced before it loads, that's all. It helps if you make goo goo eyes and talk sweet.
come on....make me the "weiner"!!!!!
One day and one day only guys. And, noni - you're comments are not welcome on my blog. I know who you are and you have big enough problems of your own. In fact, you should devote all your time trying to get some therapy. You want to remain anonymous because you don't think your identity should be used to attack your reasoning yet you keep attacking me as a principal and you said some negative things about the school. You are slimy, cowardly and I was wrong, not half-assed - full of $#it. Never thought I'd say this, but noni is bad for the CNMI.
So.... I think you should "out" this noni person, Boni. I came late to the party in regards to the Middle Road comment business BUT I believe wholeheartedly in taking responsibility for your opinions. If you're too afraid to tell people who you are, you should just keep your mouth shut.
Boni, I wouldn't like to have you mad at me. LOL however for those of you who are having trouble loading you may want to be sure your browser is up to date. Just do a simple windows update. I don;t have a problem loading this blog with any of my computers.
Maybe you should have a page where all the insane, rude and "un postable" comments could be placed so we can all have a good laugh at the ill intentiones SOB's out there.
Thanks Melissa. Problem is, noni isn't talking out of the mouth:)
Thanks James. For a while there I was confounded about my blog.
Just a note on slow speed load. All the other blogs load up just fine. Only Boni's opens slowly on my browser.
Do I have to sit in the corner until my attitude improves? (:0((
Updating my browser is probably not a bad idea I'm using microsoft rockware 1.0. Barney Rubble sold it to me, used.
If all the other blogs decided to jump off a cliff...
I agree with everyone who says loading your blog is a disaster.
Sorry I missed this contest.
But I like the idea of deleting all of my comments forever and a day and starting over.
You know, since my comments make me so popular and all.
And then, Boni, I'll come to you for commenters anonymous, and you can 12 step me so I don't do any more, okay?
There's only one step Jane:) Anonymous comments get deleted. You may have missed the comments, but I think you saw the hubbaloo over on the middle road:) Rev puts up a good show there.
...and boni, you can send me anywhere...
so you implying our blog is such a dirty place that mice play around in it now boni?
Hey, you guys open your blog up to everyone which is your choice. You can't control who comments, but you have to admit there are lots of anonymice there. Now that I know who noni is, it's less of a threat though, but still makes me very sad. I still like your site, but won't get engaged in shadow boxing.
who is noni? he curious?
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