Speeding here is a mystery to me, but what really gets my goat (sorry, Billy Bob) are people who refuse t0 stop for pedestrians. This happened two times last night and one time this morning. Garapan is a very busy district, and there are always people standing at crosswalks. If you're ever at a Saipan crosswalk, bring a good book and keep the sequel in your bag. For most part, drivers just ignore them. Maybe that's why people just take their chances instead of waiting, beats me. Two times last night I stopped to let a young boy and an older man cross the road. Both times cars just zoomed by while they were walking in the middle of the crosswalk. I had my hazards on way before they got near the crosswalk, but they just kept on going. I was so mad I started honking. One time I even ducked, I was so scared. I actually thought my windshield would be kissing someone's butt, that's how close a driver came to the old man at the 99 Cent Supermarket crossing. The people crossing were not as upset as I was. Most of them looked at me like I was a crazy woman, probably thinking I wanted them to skedaddle because I was honking. I guess they are used to having to stop in the middle and wait or rush on through regular traffic. Na-ah, If I were them, I would have stood in the middle of the road, turned towards on coming traffic and given those motorist The Crane.
i think its irresponsible to suggest people stand in front of a moving car and play chicken! thats just such a half-assed solution and wouldnt even solve the problem of reckless pedestrians. :-P
reckless motorists. check your facts. and while i'm at it. i don't like your hair. are you really a booniman. is that what you teach your booniboy. to say to others they are irresponsible. and to hurt their feelings. pissed out ako. talagang pissed out ako.
Did you take your post from my mail? I've said this before and you are so right..also I'd like to see some of your karate moves, as long as they're not meant for me!
Ha Ha
The crosswalks need to be marked better.. that would be a first step..second would be to put in safety lights for crossing so all cars coming towards a crosswalk know there are pedestrians crossing..
I am seriously appalled that people aren't courteously enough to stop and let others cross. I am relieved to know others feel the same. I'll look up your post Glen. No karate moves for you:)
I would agree with you anonymous, except in these two incidents I was already stopped, there was already someone walking across and my hazards were on. Even my honking didn't stop them from trying to plow through. I think there are just some very rude drivers out there who don't take others' safety into account.
how about those who turn into roads/driveways without regard to pedestrians crossing? its as if they expect to have the right of way! i wonder if any of these people have even read the driver's handbook?
and sori ha boni ip i hurcho feelings..... i was only trying to be punny ha! :-P
as far as safety lights, i believe they tried that a while ago. but alas! failure to maintain the devices rendered them useless within months! and they didnt work very well either. i think what would be most effective and cost efficient would be to use those flashing lights like is used in the US to mark school zones. they're mounted on posts, most are solar powered, and they would be much more visible than the ones that were tried here.
Boni: Post 262 I looked it up for you, it was in May. You can find it on my latest post by the election reminder you'll see.. Idiot Drivers ^Boni click here^ That will be it. Strangly fimiliar.
Glen: thanks, I'll look it up now. Booniman: I remember those lights, we were at the ribbon cutting across the street.
Painting the crosswalk markings would be a great start. Most were originally painted in 1964 and they used house paiint which wore off by late 1964.
They should also have a flashing caution light triggered by the Ped standing on the apron PRIOR to crossing.
Peds should have to take a safety course, too.
Yes, yes, but do you like my Crane move?
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