
Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Highs and Lows

High: Ed's Magazine, Marianas Pride is coming out soon and I wrote my first mag article!
Low: I lost the cable for my Olympus Verve and I can't post any new pics.

How about you?


CNMI Blogger said...


For the record -- Your father, Sen. Reyes, appointed me and Rep. Waki to represent the Saipan and Northern Islands Delegation (SNILD)at the Zoning Workshop that's specifically addressing Garapan and Beach Road. I was only able to attend Day 1 of the Day and a half session. I saw Reps. Palacios and Tebuteb for about an hour or so before lunch and then they left.

The area that we covered on the first day only covered the main tourist section of Garapan (the beach side) and Beach Road.

I missed the half-day workshop the following day because the House and Senate held a joint session. It was at this half-day workshop that the Group probably talked about the other part of Garapan, which included the area currently occupied by GES.

Okay...this morning, I attended a presentation at the Governor's Conference Room. Your father, Reps. Dela Cruz and Waki, and I were the only legislators there, although a memo issued by the Chairman of SNILD (your father) requested everyone's presence to receive the presentation that resulted from the workshop.

At this presentation, I heard that the Zoning Group met with school officials. What I distinctly heard from the Zoning folks is that THIS plan is by NO MEANS FINAL or that it's even a recommendation of the Zoning Board. The Zoning Board will have to meet separately to make a decision.

The other thing that I heard Steve Tilley, the Zoning Administrator say, is that a decision had to be made whether to keep GES there or not. Whatever the decision, plans need to made to accommodate the decision.

There is going to be a public presentation today at the multi-purpose center from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Please drop by the Center (and encourage others interested in this) to voice your concerns and desires. They need to hear your voices on this. Again, bear in mind that NOTHING is final, but it's important that they know that there IS opposition to any plan to move GES from its current location.

I hope this clears up any confusion and helps alleviate some of your anxieties.

Rep. Cinta

Bon said...

Thank you Cinta, and I have given my father more than an earfull, but I am so exhausted fighting this issue. There are so many other places in the Garapan area that can be utilized as development. Leave the school alone, it is developing children and our future and don't we only borrow this land from them?