1971ish - 1986: Family and friends disregard the name Yvonne. The girl is affectionately called Bonnie. She ambivalently absorbs this change as she does all things that happen in her life. All is well on the island of Saipan. (cue Jaws theme)
1986: Bonnie goes through pre-adolescent angst. All things previously accepted become scrutinized. Nothing is sacred and life is no longer simple. Bonnie, wanting to re-invent herself, but not brave enough to sue The Universe, changes only the spelling of her name and thus, her future.
1986ish - 2007: Boni is FINALLY born.

Okay, so this is Peyton, not me. Peyton is the poster girl for my inner child.
That's hilarious! I love this part, "Bonnie, wanting to re-invent herself, but not brave enough to sue The Universe, changes only the spelling of her name and thus, her future." Great stuff!
Thanks Steve, did you know it is a true story:)
The funny things in life are usually true. :)
I have a cousin whose name is Yvonne. We called her Vonnie from the start and to this day.
Sorry for being guilty of spelling your name the old-fashioned way.
Do people every pronounce your name Bone-ee?
No problem! People mispronounce my name all the time. I wish I were boney, but I'm a little chunky.
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