
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Jean Therapy

These are the jeans I am working hard for. There's nothing special about them, they're just too small. My sister Yvette and I have a bet going for them. So see Deece, I have double duty here. The first one to fit into them gets to keep 'em. Unlike Angelo's contest, the winner here actually gets a prize. I know, Jeff wants to teach me to swim, but I think I'll wait until I can actually get into a suit, eh Jeff. Then we can have a blogger picnic and bring all our families. They can all stand at the shore and point at me laughing as I eat seaweed. Speaking of eating it, if I'm going to learn to swim, I think that Gus needs to be cajoled into facing his fears too. Wadda you say bloggers?


Anonymous said...

You know the Horse Whisperer. I'm the pool whisperer. You're blowing your chance to swim with the fishes. You know that old saying about dancing, don't worry how you look, just dance.

Bon said...

So my theme song is I Hope You Swim:)

Deece said...

Alright! It's always more satisfying with a prize at the end. I'll post a picture of my goal pants later. Good luck!

Melissa said...

I proposed over at Jeff's blog that we have the next blogger meetup on a Saturday at Wave Jungle... sun, fruity grown-up drinks... and I can start your swimming lessons... or we could just float lazily in the little river thingy.

Deece said...

As fun as that sounds, Melissa, I wouldn't be able to relax because I can't swim either and am not ready to learn, parts of the Amazon (lazy river) give me anxiety, and I'm sure no one wants to see me in a swimsuit.

Bon said...

No girl, we rock!

Gus said...

Guess what, Gang? I can float. Does this get me off the hook? :P