
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I got word of an old classmate who is in Iraq yesterday. In his letter he wrote:

"Good Friday turned into bloody Friday for us over here. I lost a couple of good and brave Sailors and Soldiers. It’s getting harder and harder to deal with losses."
I felt so overwhelmed and frankly, I don't even know how to feel about this. While we were at our brunches, hanging out with loved ones and enjoying the holidays, there were brave men and women sacrificing their lives so that we could live ours in freedom. He also wrote:

"Over here a Soldier wakes up and worries if he or she will make it through the day or not. I was watching CNN (it’s the only channel we could get on a Satellite Dish) and the headline story was about pet food. The media spends a lot of time and effort in publicizing about pet food ... I just had to yell out, “What the f*&@?” Daily Soldiers die and get injured protecting freedom and Americans safety ... I get pissed when things like this are emphasize and Soldiers sacrifice take a back seat. Let me change gears here before I bust a blood vessel."
What do we wake up worrying about? I woke up this morning wondering what to wear and if I'd get a chance to eat a decent lunch. If I had to think about my mortality I don't know where I would begin. But, I do know that I would probably have time to prepare. Hey, when you wake up tomorrow morning, and when you go to bed tonight, will you take some time to say a prayer for our men and women out there? Each of us knows someone who has come back or not, who is already fighting, or who is on their way to war. They won't ever know about this prayer chain because it won't be on CNN, but I in lieu of a vote, I can't think of anything else that they would need more than our thoughts.


Anonymous said...

Well said Boni. Thank you for that reminder and for me of how I sometimes forget that there are brave men and women who risk their lives to protect mine.

Jeff said...

The soldiers over there are sacrificing so much while most of us so little. It is unfair, really.

CNMI Blogger said...

I will add your friend to my list. I heard from Mark. I continue to pray for his safety as well as the safety for all of those who are still in harm's way.

You're right, we tend to forget that there's a war STILL raging and go on enjoying life, complaining about the small and mundane. Let us pray for PEACE NOW!

Bev said...

prayer sent.

Saipan Writer said...

Nice post.

Nothing says "no" to war and our own smallness better than words from the frontline.

Praying for peace.