1. Water our plants regularly so that they are nourished and healthy.
2. Tell others about the importance of trees and plants.
3. Plant more trees.
4. Use both sides of your paper, so you won't waste resources.
5. Recycle and re-use paper for scrap paper.
6. Protect trees, especially old ones from needless cutting down.
7. Reuse grocery bags or bring your own when you shop.
P.S. When this the madness end? Some nights it feels like my head is going to crack open. I wonder how long she can keep it up and just when we think she's all tuckered out, a wail busts loose. Some kids have an enormous capacity to scream and cry. Funny thing is, she stops, smiles and is her chipper self just as quickly. Toddler mania. Anyone research that yet?
Mommy Hint for Tantrum-less Toothbrushing
How do you get a wily child to sit still for toothbrushing? I developed a strategy long ago when Tony Jr. became a toddler. It was so hard to get him to sit still and keep his mouth open long enough for me to get to all the choppers, so I had to get creative. Sommer is hands down the wiliest child we've had. She won't sit still for anything, but brushing her teeth is no problema!Mommy Hint for Tantrum-less Toothbrushing
On her way to the sink, Sommer inspects all the beauty products and herself.
thanks for the tips, the pmpkn won't hold still for much either. Funny, before he could roll over, sit up, and crawl he was fine with even the most degrading intrusions, but not now. I'm going to cut and paste your message for when the serious teeth cleaning comes into play and we in serious need of fun creative ideas.
I always sang with dd. Remember that horrid Barney song ("we're brushing our teeth on top...we never let the water run")? Well, it worked wonders. And a kid singing while teeth are being brushed--sounds like ee-eh-eh-eh-ah-AH-eh-uh.
Singing, hopping, smacking your head on the counter, doing anything wacky or silly seems to help:) It is one of the only times Sommer can be observed in non-motion. As you can see, right after the brushing, she got right back to her antics. I love motherhood!
I love your brushing techniques! I'll have to recommend that to the parents of my kid patients!
my son loves the raindrops song....
if all the raindrops were lemon drops and gum drops
oh what a rain that would be!
standing outside with our mouths open wide,
oh what a rain that would be!
then you just substitute lemon drops and gum drops for other things ( like snow flakes = oh what a snow that would be!) until your all done!
works for me... :-D
If all the raindrops were hypnotiq and tequila shots, oh what a rain that would be!
This is GREAT.
Thank you. :)
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