
Thursday, October 2, 2008

Did I Renew My Trampoline Pedicurist Certification Yet?

I went to sign up for the new life insurance on the LAST DAY! Yup, I am a procrastinator. I thought long and hard about adding accidental death insurance. Was it really necessary? Wait. I sure hope my death isn't pre-planned because what else other kind of death is there than accidental? I should have kept copies of the questionnaire for the Accidental Death Insurance because I giggled so hard. It was basically asking me if anyone had it in for me. Hmmm...lemme think, lol. I shouldn't let my imagination get the best of me. Anyway, I answered the questions with as serious a face as I could make. No, I wasn't involved in activities like aeronautics; nope I am not an elected official-so no assassination risk there; nah, I don't plan on bungee jumping from the top of 360 just for fun. I signed up for all of it just in case. Life basic, accidental death, cancer, crossing the street, simultaneous gum chewing and dancing....

On a side note, I walked in and saw Tami sitting there. I of course behaved as spontaneously and socially graceful as I always do and walked over to say hello, commented on how awesome she looks and chatted for a few seconds before heading over to the nice agent. NOT. Well, that's what I wanted to do Tami, but my shyness always gets the best of me. You really do look great!


Tamara said...

OMG! I totally did not see you at could I miss you???? I saw your application on my desk and wondered where it came from. I figured someone must have dropped it off for you...LOL..Im sorry, that day was absolutely crazy with last minute filers..and then Netcare went ahead and extended at the last minute till Nov. 30..ha ha...

Oh well, good that you got the PA just never know!

My favorite question..Do you contemplate any special journey or hazardous undertaking?

Raising 2 Teenagers and 1 Tweenager IS a special journey and most definitely a hazardous undertaking..he he!

Bon said...

THAT was the question that made me laugh!