Monday, January 26, 2009
Sommer considers the male to female ratio
Friday, January 23, 2009
When I was younger I had more respect for my elders
Ok, yeah. I'll just stay home and be a house boy. Like all the loser guys.
You mean the ones who don't have a job and ask their moms for money to take their girlfriends out on dates?
Yay, sarcasm.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Stuff That Goes Through My Head When My Brain Isn't Paying Attention

Does anyone know the sound a lizard makes? Just in case I want to sing Old McDonald Had A Farm with my kids one day and one of them chooses a lizard. It would be really embarrassing not to know. You know?
"Nah, must've been 6 months since the last time we got together, but that was on Hi-5 wasn't it?"
"Yeah, I don't get around much, didn't make it to MySpace, too crowded. Heard you hang out there a lot."
"Used to, but I've been blogging lately. Anyway, this Facebook is pretty cool, I've seen a few people I know already. Having fun? "
"Totally. Hey, have a drink on me I'm passing them out..."
Bipolar Nerdism

Is there hope?
House is right. Without a laser pointer, who would take you seriously?

Sunday, January 18, 2009
Saving Grace

Friday, January 16, 2009

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
De-Lurk Fan!

“It doesn’t matter whether you are a critical service — you still have to be accountable for taxpayers’ money,” she said. “It’s not because in the name of education and health, you will continue to seek the same or more money. Everybody has to share the difficulties and challenges that we’re facing now.”Okay, so here's my conundrum. Our budget as it is can only purchase three crucial items. Hmmm...shall we go without
1. Security?
2. Toilet paper?
3. Water?
The choices are so hard. What do we do? Oh, but wait. Let's clarify the issue a little more. She says:
“When your budget is comprised mainly of salaries…basically it just means that you have to let go of some of your people,”
I feel like a kid in a candy store, only the candy is expired and made of spit. Three years ago we made an 11% cut in personnel and two months after that heart-wrenching experience, our staff was cut to almost 23%. We lost a Kindergarten teacher and had to downsize the 6th, 5th and 4th grades. Lemme see, this time shall we go without a
1. 1st, 2nd or 3rd grade teacher? Oh, no that would mean crowded classrooms and fewer materials. Plus I think they need to learn how to read that young. Bad idea.
2. A counselor? Yes, our kids don't need emotional support. Let the bullies run the schools like they do elsewhere.
3. A nurse? We only have 800 students, what's the chance of anyone getting hurt and needing care?
4. A librarian? A custodian? A secretary? An administrator?
Gee, I'm almost giddy with the options.
Monday, January 5, 2009
2nd Annual Great CNMI De-Lurk

Get ready CNMI, it's time for bloggers to de-lurk! I see you there peeking into my posts from the shadows, reading my most personal thoughts, and thinking to yourself is this woman for real? Uh-yeah!
I let you in, sure. Now it's time for you to let me in. Tell me what you're thinking, go ahead pull out that keyboard and let it flow, I want to know. Who cares, you ask? Lot's of other bloggers, I say. This is for all of us who ever wondered if our post smelled like fafa. Wetz brat, your post is stinky, that's why no one comments!
Yes, for all the bloggers out there who need that comment-hug they never got. For all the posts that you thought never got read, that were so funny it had folks rolling on the floor. For our country, the STAR, the NMI Inc.
Do it for your country gatchong.
It's easy. Read, comment and you're done. Don't visit a blog without leaving a thought. Even non-bloggers can de-lurk. Non-bloggers are more lurksome, after all. The Paper Napkin did this last year and remember when Mona did the Mofo Delurk in October? I can't wait for October! Can you? That's like 2, 5, 6...plenty months from now!
Auld Lang Syne
Thursday, January 1, 2009
2008 MVPs
February: Not a good month for me, I wrote just one post. I'd read Joan Didion's "Year of Magical Thinking" which was a great book full of harsh truth and raw grief. I didn't know how much it would mean to me in the coming months. Death comes in many forms. Grief engulfs the spirit, and as the Bible say, hope deferred makes the heart sick (Proverbs 13:12), but there's life if there's any faith and I was learning to hold on to that mustard seed.
March: The case of the shiny bong gave me a scare, but only for a moment.
April: Life starts to feel pretty normal again. Family surrounds me, a family I've missed for many years, reminding me and the kids that they've always been there, just waiting for us to ask.
May: I did nothing at all and it was wonderful! We spent the day at Marianas Resort and spent the evening with dad and Glenna. Thanks Wayne for such a relaxing Mother's Day.
June: Sommer turns 4, Ton goes to China with the Manta Band and Pacific Winds Orchestra to open the 2008 Olympics!
July: We lose much loved family members to death and war, my mom gets sick, Hope turns 13 and Thursday TWIS starts. Power outages ravage the island, and I learn to be sit back and count my blessings each day, each moment.
August: More outages, Twilight mania begins, Ton turns 16 and Boni goes on a crazy lemon cleanse.
September: More power outages, I contemplate basic needs, I reconcile with my brother after over a decade and Wayne proposes!
October: Peyton turns 8, Julian passes suddenly, Blockbuster closes shop, Wayne goes bungee jumping, my brother gets suspended from school, HJ turns 40, Oreo goes missing in Garapan, I contemplate poverty and set my freckles free!
November: We mourn the loss of a fellow blogger (Glen), I finally get and lose my homestead, we make bonfire S'mores, Savannah, Wade, Donny and dad celebrate their birthdays, and I get irked.
December: Christmas lasts for four days this year! We learn the value of old family traditions and the beauty of new ones. The best gifts under the tree are my family and friends who have shared their abundant love. I can't wait for 2009! Happy New Year!!!!!
This was hands down, my best Christmas ever!
This was an awesome Christmas that lasted for days. The new year is already looking fabulous! Not in any order, here are the pictures of our holiday season.