I for one would like to know more about the people who visit my blog. Who are you and what are you thinking? Where are you from and where do you think you're headed?
C'mon. I know you wanna say something....say it...hit that enter button and post your comment!
i love you boni! :-) i promise to lurk ALL WEEK! :-P
karaoke time! do you know, where you're going to, do you like the things that life is showing you...where are you going to...
Hmmmm, if you know the words to that song, you know you're old!! haha!
Ok, you asked for it. When asking for someones location on the cb, the code is what's your -20, as in 10-20. Yes, my personal shame is; I was a CB junkie. Lurk mode: on
Been here, done that.
*turning off Ed's microphone and turning mine on*
Talkin' to myself and feelin' old
Sometimes I'd like to quit
Nothing ever seems to fit
Hangin' around
Nothing to do but frown
Rainy Days and Mondays always get me down.
Now that's an oldy!
watch out you might let the crazies in too:)
someone just told me thank god i'm leaving. my first hate comment since the blog war of 07. anyway, i'll stop by tomorrow for the book. haven't forgotten, just have too many things to get done.
I like crazies, but I don't like mean people. I can't believe someone told you that.
De-lurka, lurka! Allah, Mohammed, Jihad!
Hey this is fun. Maybe I'll get a recipe for camel out of this de-lurk.
right now I'm typing one handed the other is rocking a baby - delurk
actually he just fell asleep on my chest so now i can use both hands
brad get your head out of the gutter - both hands on the lap top - computer!
A very irregular reader delurks ...
why do i have to get dragged into this? ha ha. and bree, we're all glad you're leaving! just kidding. we'll miss you and the cool family for sure. your leaving a gaping hole in taya talent's roster...
by the way, love the delurk idea boni.
Consider me De-Lurked. Although I was lurking last week.
So you "vibing" yet? ^_^
officially de-lurked.
I usually only qualify as a lurker because my toddler usually prevents me from being able to read long enough to actually say "hi!" She is gone this afternoon to her grandparents... so, "Hi!" :)
The de-lurk experience was a lot of fun. I've decided on "Camel Borgenion" Hmm, that isn't in any spell check. Borgenion, like the wine region in France. Medallions of Camel in a white wine and cheese sauce with mild onions.
Yes, you have truly told
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