
Saturday, December 1, 2007


Now for something more light-hearted....
There goes my fried Spam!
How many firefighters does it take to put out a kitchen fire? This is what we were thinking as we watched three trucks, several DPS cars and a small brigade of firefighters donned with full gear as they attempted to extinguished what smelled like burning oil. Luckily, only one person was home, but he was probably in the shower or the back bedroom unaware that the doors were getting ready to be busted open. No one was hurt except for me tripping in the soft soil as I tried to capture the moment to share with ya'll.
The Mt. Carmel Theatre Club performed before a crowd of excited Mallards last Thursday. They did a sneak peek of two numbers from The Nightmare Before Christmas. It was nice to see Hope back in the pond, if only for a visit. Mr. G saw some old Knights in the crowd and I spotted some former Mallards in the entourage. We really are one village. It's not too late to catch tonight's performance at Mt. Carmel School, at 7pm.


bigsoxfan said...

Spare no expense, when spam is concerned. Erdene wanted to use our last can in fried rice yesterday. Let them eat mutton, I say.

Love the stage backdrop and people in t'shirts. Even indoors, we don't see that. pmpkn is sleeping a little better, thanks. It will be longish haul to teach him to go back to sleep on his own, good to know we have help though.

Hope Tony's trip to the sandpit is safe and brief.

Angie said...

Jane ran out of tickets, I hope that we can still get some. See you there. Hope that Hope Breaks-A-Leg and has lots of fun!! Angie