I love Christmas time. Everyday should be filled with joy and wonder, the sounds of laughter and family fun. The house is decorated in true Gomez fashion, sans Christmas lights, but who cares? Santa can surely find his way to our house with the help of trusty Rudolph. Don't worry St. Nick, your milk and cookies will be in the same place it always is, only this year we'll light a scented candle to help you out. Don't you just love the holiday season?

Tony Jr. and his trombone

He asked us to come watch him play. He didn't mention it was a formal event. Oh well, me and Tony in our jeans were content just people watching and listening to our son during the Make A Wish Thanksmas Dinner.

Looking for a Christmas tree while Sommer dances with Santa.

I can't brush my teeth yet, that might be Santa at the door!

Peyton thinks Santa will approve,
even if we don't have any lights on the tree this year.

What? Only 14 days until Christmas? I need more time!
Still plenty of time until Christmas to get all of those details taken care of. Remember, most of it is for you. The kids don't care as long as they spend Christmas with you.
Alexander has spent part of the last two days dragging my (his) kayak all over the front, back and side yard again. I think it may be a hint.
Merry Christmas, Boni and family!
I got my blog up. Teach me oh wise blogger. I am but a young Jedi trying to learn the ways. Like how to post pics on my blog?
Boni, pulllleeeze help me organize my blog.
Love the pics of the familia. Lemme know when you guys are ready for your familia pic.
Best to your other half from me...
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