I'm a total list maker. I'm so bad that I have sublists on my lists. Sometimes my lists are categorized and I have marks to show levels of completion. Yes, it's quite exhausting being so anal. My kids apparently took after me. Hope gave me two wish lists, one for things she'd like to have and one for things she knows she'll probably not get. It's the thought that counts right?
The one thing I have trouble with though, is making any kind of list for myself. I end up making excuses for why I don't really want something or how this or that thing is completely unrealistic.
Like my Coach Legacy Leather Satchel (drool)

Or my Gucci Abbey Handbag

Whew, that was easier than I thought! LOL
One thing on everyone's wish list for sure

Santa are you listening?
hey bon, I can get you a Coach Legacy Leather Satchel. I'm on my way to the Philippines. While there I'll get Tony some Rolexes too. They are super cheap for some reason....hmmmm, wonder why???
Shoot Ed, and I'll pay you back with my government PO:0 Oh!
Isn't that what wishes are for? Not knowing you're going to get it and being extremely happy when you do. Your last wish is on my wish list as well...send those troops home.
I can do without those bags (I've got enough bags already!!).
Wishing for that last bit, though. I think Santa will need a miracle to pull that one from his sack, though. But wishes do come true, so we'll keep hoping.
Happy holidays.
Jane: I can do without the bags too. It's my one obsession, purses. Other than that, I'm a jeans and t-shirt, brush my hair and walk out the door kind of girl.
Wishes do come true. I'm gonna keep praying too.
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