I know, I know, I've been so unforgivably delinquent. So sorry my internet friends. Wayne and I got so caught up preparing for, getting married, enjoying a honeymoon and getting back into the swing of things that I have missed posting for so long. There's much to tell you family, career and life-wise and so much to share too, but here are some photos, a sampling of our last month until I can get some dedicated time in blogland.
It's so nice to be home, we spent last weekend with all the kids, it was the perfect ending to a great honeymoon! We're back to the swing of things now, but as Wayne says, "who says the honeymoon has to end?" Enjoy the photos, they aren't in any particular order although I did try.

Looking for a good place to get some grub in WA.

Ryan and Wayne. Are they excited to see me or what?

Driving around Walla Wall made me a little silly-willy!

The requisite Chamorro BBQ, complete with red rice, potato salad, laughter and music. Gino and Ryan making beautiful island melody.
Dinner at Red Lobster with the Pangelinans: Wayne, me, Gerhart, Yuko, Ryan and Chris

Our rendition of the parking lot scene in Twilight. Taken in the parking lot at Forks High School, WA. with the Jones' and the Pangelinans.

A day with dad. Demi, Wayne, Min, dad, Ryan and me.

Jumping off Bella's truck in Forks!

We started out at the Cheesecake Factory in Kirkland and ended up in Nijo, a nice Japanese bar. Jasmin, Cliff, Dean, Lihn, me, Wayne and Gerhart

Kuta Beach Sunset. There were so many people on the beach this evening, but to us, they were invisible.

White Rose in Kuta, our wedding day was gorgeous. It rained a few hours before the ceremony, but by the time we got there, it was all sunsine and smiles.

Walking down the aisle

Rice terraces in Ubud. It wasn't harvest time, but it was still gorgeous.

Our infinity pool in our private Villa at Komaneka. It was so hard to leave!

Lunch at Bubba Gump's in Kuta. They played Forest Gump over and over again. And everytime you called a waiter they'd yell, "run, Forest, run!"

Balinese cuisine at Kitmani volcano lookout. Most of it tasted familiar, but there was a dominant spice we couldn't figure out. Mmm...it was all yummy though!

Guam, where it all began!
I've deliberately not read the paper or watched the news, but I can still sense something like panic coming all around us. I sat in on a meeting with some women that I admire recently, talking about some of the things our government can do for us and things we can do for ourselves, including making our voices heard about the beauty and natural resources we are so fortunate to live around. We talked about the potential they have to bring us into a new way of enticing tourists and investors alike. I realized that even with the "election frenzy" and economic panic in the air, there are many things we can do to take advantage of our location and natural treasures. I didn't have too much to offer, but I left with so many things to think about. It's our CNMI guys, where do you see us going?